
Saturday, February 20, 2010

THE Wedding ;)

As you all know, we went to a far-far wedding on a weekday last week and it was quite an enlightening experience. I have no patience go through all of it again,but here are some highlights

1) To start with, my Elimination theory. If it is a bother, eliminate. I refuse to elaborate any further for fear of being branded a wicked & bad person ;)

2) Sandeep was passing by us in his car while we were waiting and Rash saying "oh hogta iddane, hogta idane". I pointed at an auto saying "Look, Sandeep" and for a second, Rash went towards the auto :D

3) Prabha asking us where the wedding is :P :D

4) When Sandeep asks all of us if anyone knows the address or at least the marriage hall's name, we all looked at each others' faces (So much for mocking Prabs). Then we had to get help from Sneha and her slow-pdf-opening PC to get directions.

5) Sandeep's vents out his frustration at the traffic "Its nice and cool to sit in a car. Only when you are driving will you feel the heat" . But its thanks to him the trip went smoothly for us . Dropped everyone back home too :)

6) My explanation of Practice at Shanti Sagar. The story goes thus : If Krishna, Ashwini ad me only 3 of us go to Singapore on a trip, it should not end up being awkward. So we decided we 3 will practice meeting up at Shanti Sagar regularly and getting a feel of the entire thing. Its another thing Krishna has no idea bout this :D. John, you are also included for the trip by default ;)

7) Rashmi's weekday , far-far theory of attending marriages. Its now a full-fledged algo. Check out

8) Vids threatening to kill all of us if we don't reach in time for her wedding rituals. 7 AM in the morning ;)

9) As we near the stage to wish the couple, Sandeep had genuine doubts if we even know the guy or we have traveled so far into some random wedding. We had our doubts too :P

10) Vids talking in Kannada. From now on, we are supposed to converse with her only in Kannada. Learn something Divya Kamath :P

11) Prabha's story of seeing a look-alike of me at her office. It seems she stared at that guy so much that finally he smiled back at her :D

You can add your own experiences here. Those who did not have the 'privilege' of attending the wedding can comment :D


Rashmi sandeep said...

Pavan's elimination theory : Eliminate someone who has lot of problems in coming and going back for an outing :D So that he need not have drop them back :P Surya , hope you read this ;)

krishkn said...

poor Sandeep!! He will never attend any marriage from nw on I guess :D . Thanks Pavan for enlightening us :D ...

We have long record of reaching marriage halls in time.. Dont worry we will follow the same ritual.We treat everybody same u see :D

Prabha said...

hahah... hope sandeep has not taken rashmi onto a ride(i mean.....) after he droped everyone... Thanks to him...

after i spoke of pavan's look alike i havent seen him again in ANZ.. ;-)

Pavan said...

Oh you are looking out for him? I'm flattered :D

Hey I saw you too have written posts in some other blog? Cool :)

Divya said...

hey vids , dont belive krish...these guys reached late to my wedding also !
@Prabs, are u hallucinating?? :D